First Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana - 1963 Williams Organ Company

<h2>First Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana - 1963 Williams Organ Company</h3>
Item# newitem1439091715

Product Description:

First Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana

1963 Williams Organ Company



16' Violone

8' Principal

8’ Spitz Principal

8' Bourdon

4' Octave

4' Rohr Flute

2' Super Octave

II Sesquialtera

VI Fourniture

IV Zimbel

16’ Tuba

8’ Tuba

8’ Trompette

8’ Cremona

4’ Tuba

8’ Festival Trompette




16' Bourdon

8' Geigen

8' Gedeckt

8' Viole de Gambe

8' Viole Celeste

8' Gemshorn

8’ Gemshorn Celeste

4' Principal

4' Flûte Harmonique

2 2/3' Spill Nasat

2' Spillflöte

1 3/5’ Tierce

IV-V Plein Jeu

16' Bombarde

8' Trompette

8' Hautbois

4' Clairon

8’ Festival Trompette



16’ Contra Viol

8’ Flûte Harmonique

8' Rohr Bordun

8' Viola

8' Viola Celeste

8' Flauto Dolce

8' Dolce Celeste

4' Principal

4' Flûte Harmonique

4’ Koppelflöte

2’ Prestant

2’ Octavin

1 1/3’ Nasat

1’ Octave

IV-V Scharff

16' Tuba

8' Tuba

8' Clarinet

4' Tuba

8’ Festival Trompette

4’ Festival Trompette





8’ Viol

8’ Viol Celeste

8' Rohr Gedeckt

4' Principal

III Mixture

8’ Trompette

8’ Festival Trompette

4’ Festival Trompette


32' Gross Untersatz XI

32’ Resultant

16' Contrebass

16’ Violone (Gt)

16' Bourdon

16' Contra Viol (Ch)

16' Gedeckt (Sw)

8' Principal

8’ Spitz Principal (Gt)

8' Gedeckt Pommer

4' Choralbass

4' Biberon Flute

4’ Gedeckt Flöte

2’ Flute Octaviante

III Mixture

32' Bombarde

16' Tuba (Ch)

16' Contre Trompette

8’ Tuba

8' Trompette

8’ Bombarde (Sw)

4' Clarion

4’ Schalmei (Gt)

8’ Festival Trompette (Ant)

4’ Festival Trompette (Ant)

16’ Bourdon (Ant)

East Texas Pipe Organ Festival, Honoring the Life and Work of Roy Perry (1906 - 1978).