Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, Dallas, Texas - 1955 Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1279

<h2>Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, Dallas, Texas - 1955  Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1279</h2>
Item# newitem439077954

Product Description:

Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist, Dallas, Texas

1955 Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1279

Revised 1968-2010

GREAT (enclosed)

16’ Quintaten

8’ Principal

8’ Spitzflöte

8’ Orchestral Flute

8 Flute Celeste II

4’ Prestant

4’ Koppelflöte

2’ Doublette

II Sesquialtera

III-IV Plein Jeu

8’ Cromorne



16’ Contre Viole

8’ Rohrflöte

8’ Viola Pomposa

8’ Viola Celeste

4’ Spitzflöte

4’ Harmonic Flute

2 2/3’ Nazat

2’ Principal

1 1/3 Quint

8’ Trumpet

4’ Oboe Clarion



32’ Resultant

16’ Principal

16’ Contre Viole

16’ Gedeckt Bass

16’ Quintaten

8’ Spitz Prinzipal

8’ Gedeckt

4’ Choral Bass

4’ Flute

16’ Fagot

4’ Cromorne

East Texas Pipe Organ Festival, Honoring the Life and Work of Roy Perry (1906 - 1978).