Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas - 1960 Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1361

<h2>Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas - 1960 Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1361</h2>
Item# newitem1439081228

Product Description:

Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas

1960 Aeolian-Skinner, Opus 1361

Installed in former church, and moved to current building in 1976


16' Quintaten

8' Principal

8' Bourdon

4' Octave

2' Super Octave

IV-VI Mixture


8' Gedeckt

8' Viole de Gambe

8' Viole Celeste

4' Prestant

III Plein Jeu

16' Contre Hautbois

8' Trompette

4' Clairon



8' Rohrflöte

8’ Kleinerzähler (II)

4' Spillflöte

2’ Principal

1 1/3' Larigot

1' Octave



16' Contrebass

16' Bourdon

16' Quintaten (Gt)

8' Principal

8' Bourdon

8' Gedackt (Sw)

4' Choralbass

4' Gedackt (Sw)

16' Contre Hautbois (Sw)

East Texas Pipe Organ Festival, Honoring the Life and Work of Roy Perry (1906 - 1978).